Monday, October 31, 2011

Turds and Toilet Paper

Owning a home is a very fun thing.... in certain instances.

After doing a few loads of laundry, I go downstairs to find water that had come up from our nice drain in the ground. This isn't a complete shock to me. It's happened before. But before was a little more pleasant.

Toilet paper and turds.

Yep... before it was just water. This time nice little shreds of toilet paper and a few turds graced us with their presence.

This was a man's job. So I steal Steve away from his studies and he grabs the snake thing we used in the past to shove down the drain hole to untangle the mess that has clogged up our pipes. Usually I'm all about helping Steve with projects. I love doing house improvements. But this was one where I gladly excepted staying on the sidelines, shirt over nose, providing encouraging words or jokes that might lighten the mood. :)

Steve the manly man he is, unclogged it and we were back in business.

Then Friday I come home from work and Steve has the chain saw out cutting down branches that I've been wanting to cut down for a while. Every time I'm mowing, walking past, or cleaning up our landscape, these stupid branches whip me in the face, get tangled in my crazy madded hair, or just poke me. I'm a tall girl, I get that so let's make our house conducive to tall people. We don't have a chain saw so it's not Steve's fault that this project kept getting delayed. I still love him. And even more now.

But this was fun. It was like being on the farm again. I should actually stay in the country b/c I didn't technically grow up on a farm. But Steve manned the chain saw. I drug the branches to our burning hole... aka fire pit, and we burned all the leaves and branches right there.
This fire looks a little weak. And it is. But it was big! But I missed the photo op. But we have to be careful now. We are Flagged by the cops when it comes to fires.

One night this summer we had a few friends over. We weren't loud, didn't have music on but just chillin by the fire. A really big fire. It was HUGE! and it's not a big fire pit as you see. But Steve and his buddies were having fun. In fact we were burning our old cabinets from the Kitchen renovation we did a while back. They thought it would be a good idea to stick the entire cabinet in the fire pit. I stayed warm so I didn't mind, but the cop did that showed up right as the fire got it its highest peak.

Sorry officer.

He was nice though, told us to keep it under 2 feet, and take out the hose in case the wind catches hold of it. And he left. Of course Steve got to chatting with him so he left after another 10 minutes later.

Then Sunday I needed some fun time. So Steve and I started looking at baby stuff. Mostly just cribs. We have no idea on pricing so we checked out Babies R Us.

Holy lots of stuff!

So many choices. I never knew so many kinds of cribs, strollers, play things, car seats, and just crap existed for babies. But we found a few we liked that weren't too expensive and we'll keep them in the back of our mind for when it comes closer.

I knew we wouldn't buy anything but I just had an itch to start doing some baby shopping. All of it is just so darn cute!

I also just wanted to show you a little girl who is all amped up for Halloween. She has been anticipating this day for months now that she even decided to grow fangs. Happy Halloween everyone!

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