Thursday, November 17, 2011


Last night Steve and I went to an event with our small group at Church called Encounter. It's a different yet amazing service. Basically it's just worship music for an 1.5-2 hours. I didn't think I would like it at first b/c I tend to get A.D.D. with music. I don't even listen to music on my drives, even the 2.5 hours drive to my parents. I love the silence.... I'm weird, I know.

While Steve on the other hands loves music and usually has it blaring! I can even hear him blocks away when he's coming home from work. Sometimes I think the bass is going to wiggle our siding right off when he pulls in the driveway. And he wonders why he is deaf.

Back to the event...The event is our very talented worship band up front with the lights set dim and some candles around the stage for ambiance. It usually starts out with an intro song to get every one warmed up, then into some fun pump up songs to some slower feel it in your bones type moving songs that tend to give you goosebumps or what I like to call the Holy Spirit bumps, to ending with more exciting I'm sending you on your way be rejuvenated songs. And they accomplish this all quite well.

It's amazing how God can move through music and touch your heart if you just open yourself up and let him speak to you. I left last night, happy, full of joy, loving life and all that He has given or not given us, and simply thankful.

Then I started thinking. There are so many, very many ways you can encounter God in our every day lives. Why does it take a big event like that to make me feel that full of joy?

I'm still trying to figure it out and if I do I'll let you know and probably become rich when I write a book on it.

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