Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Friends Thanksgiving

I have a pretty amazing group of friends.

And what I love most is that we all still try really hard to get together. It's not too tough considering most live withing 45 miles of each other. And the fact that there are at least 3 weddings a year for us all to reunite with. And for girls even more. You have the personal shower, bachelorette party, and the wedding!

I want to get married again... and yes I'd still marry Steve.

Anyways, this last Sunday we all got together for Thanksgiving. It's a really awesome event. I believe there were about 25 of us that went. And each person/couple brings something to share. This year Megan, who we called Mom in college, hosted and cooked the turkey. Delicious!! Then the rest of the spread was pretty incredible. And they can all cook really well. So fun. We did put the cabosh on one friend to bring food. He ex laxed the corn one year.... not cool Dale.

We had mashed potatoes, garlic mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, cheesy potatoes, potatoes coming out of our rear potatoes (not really) but we also had, corn, corn bread bake, green bean casserole, two types of stuffing, mac an cheese casserole, gravy, cranberries, and enough pie to last us until next year.

And the best part is that this year my belly is already sticking out and I wear pants that have no restriction... this means game on!

Bring on the food.

I love the group picture shots of all of us throughout the years. Someday we'll get every single person in one shot. This first one comes close though. Not Steve however and a few others were missing.

For some reason we always do the flailing arms thing. It's fun. Just not sure how it all originated. Anyone know?

Some of my favorite times at college were just hanging out by the clock in the middle of the plaza area between classes, talking and listening to a band play. Oh I miss you college. Well somedays I do.

Love you all!

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