Wednesday, December 28, 2011

3rd Annual Freiborg Family Winter Classic

This last weekend was the 3rd annual Freiborg Family Winter Classic. Well actually just Christmas at my side but we name our get togethers. Kind of corny. But I love it.

We started it off with a bang by enjoying a beautiful Saturday morning out on the lake. Steve went all out and got a fire going. Not just any fire... it was huge!

Then we got our skates on. Steve just left me there so Ryan stepped up as the good brother-in-law well soon-to-be and helped me out.

Thanks Steve.

Mom even got hers out of the vintage closet :)

And showed us some of her moves. Toe Pick!
The lake was perfect. Even a little scary. Have you ever been on a frozen body of water?... It howls and makes noises and even cracks beneath you. I almost pooped my pants a few times. I got used to it after a while though. Well I had to because Mom kept making fun of me. We posed for some memorable pics as well.

I showed Ryan some of my moves.

Then Steve... which aren't many. Actually I just try and stay up on two feet. Which was a success even though I almost biffed it nearly 25 times. Then we became adventerous. Abs tried snowboarding behind the 4-wheeler. It was a fail.

These two put their heads together on why it didn't work.

Turns out not enough snow. Really? In Minnesota? At Christmas time?

But the no snow worked perfect for the knee board. These two made sure to tape it all. Some footage is like the blair witch project but still entertaining. A little sea sickening though.

Dad had so much fun on it he hogged it the whole time. Well not the whole time but a long time. He even started cocking off to Ryan, who was driving, that he was too boring. So Ryan swung him out wide and put him into the shoreline full of rocks.

Seems like every year Ryan is breaking something. Last year he pegged Mom with the tennis ball while playing boot hockey right in the nose drawing blood. This year it was almost Dad's hips. He never hears any grief for this either :)

So Dad took him for a ride. But was nice. I do think he fell off though.

Then we ended up the day going to church and enjoyed a nice meal. By then my older sister's family came into town just in time to open presents Christmas day morning.

Steve wore his special shirt. And Baby D got another present!

Along with a million others... not all hers though ;)

The kids loved it.

I loved the fact that we were all still in our pjs.

Avery even got one that was 10 times her size. Same with Dad. He had no idea what it was.

I guess why should he? The anticipation was killing him though.

What is it? Oh...... A ski!

You mean I don't have to ski on a ski anymore made for 140 pounders?

No Dad it's your very own.

Then after a morning of presents, more presents, and an endless supply of them. We went back outside. We were excited to show Jena our hidden treasure of the knee board.

Avery brought down our fire supplies again.

And Jena hopped right on the knee board. We could do this all day! We actually did too.

Even Grandma wanted a try.
She rocked it. And then bragged about it. I would too if I were her.

Are you sick of all the pictures yet?

Hold on one more.

Well the day continued on with playing out side. The Jena's family left and we were all exhausted. So we popped in a movie and some of us fell asleep. We had to rest up for our Christmas tradition of Fonduing.

I love to Fondue. I wish we could do every meal like this.

And then the weekend ended. But it was a great one.

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