Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Weekend

First....  I'm excited but sad b/c it went so incredibly fast, Happy 1 Month Birthday Miss Rylee Sue.  

She's getting so big!  And I absolutely love how she sleeps.  When I sleep like this, I wake up with dead sleeping arms where tingles go up and down.  And I don't look this cute.

I also love when she sleeps with Dad. I always think these sweet precious moments between father and daughter are so amazing. 

Usually over Memorial weekend we head back to my parents lake home and enjoy a cold rainy weekend watching movies and playing games drinking a lot of coffee to stay warm.  But this weekend we had a wonderful wedding to enjoy.  

Happy wedding weekend Miss Jenna.

I love this picture for two reason.  My personal opinion that these two young ladies were the most beautiful in the room.  Jenna you may have even beat out Rylee :)  Second,  look at Rylee's face!  It's like she's thinking.  Good Lord woman you got married to a boy with cooties!   Ahh...

I love volleyball weddings though.  I get to wear the tallest heals I have and I'm still not the tallest female in the room!  I love it. Plus I just absolutely love these women. 
And Rylee loved each and every one of them. 

 However, this wedding was a little stressful.  I could not find something to wear!  It was tricky. I needed to find a dress that worked well for nursing and one that worked well with the undergarments I needed to wear. It was nearly impossible but thank you Target for making a dress that somewhat worked.  Actually there were a couple dresses that I found but I was not ready to purchase my first pair of "Mom" underwear.

I'm NOT to that point yet.

And hoping I won't be for a while :)

Thank you veterans and current Military personnel for serving our country.  No one is more brave and honorable than you.

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