Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hudson - 6 mo & Rylee - 2 years

I'm way behind the eight ball in posting these but whatever... life happens.  And it happens to be Busy with a capital B.  But a lovely busy.  Well, most of the time lovely.  I'd be lying if I told you are life was all roses.  We have a 2 year old... it can't be.  And we have a child still in the spitting up and starting to teeth stage.  But in the grand scheme of things between the time outs and days with three outfit changes (wait... I gave up on that and just went with the new trend of spit-stained t-shirts) life is actually pretty stinkin' great.

So great that we just celebrated this sweet pea.  My chill, little boy that has his random freak-outs.. we think they are flashbacks of something tragic, like the birth canal (sorry, TMI? do people still say TMI?), is now six months.  Well soon 7 but these were his 6 months and he looks the same.


And this little spit fire turned 2 the end of April.  Have even wrote that she is potty trained?  I didn't.  She decided the night before she turned two that she wanted to potty train and she was a rock star ever since.  She even rocked at wearing panties through the night without accidents after only a week. We actually really haven't had too many accidents at all.  That was way too easy.  I have a feeling this girl way make up for it during her teen years.

And the two.

I will admit, when Laura said she wanted family photos I did the grumpy, ugh... really?  We just got back from a weekend long wedding extravaganza that was a blast but I hadn't really even put myself together... figured out our outfits... and the photos were in 2 hours.  But so glad she wanted to b/c they turned out to be my favorite family photos EVER!!

This one cracks me up... this little peanut concentrates so hard when she is running.  She is always on a mission.  Laura tried several takes to get Rylee to look at her and smile while running.  Right now... this is not one of Rylee's gifts, she's like her daddy and can't multitask.  Bless your heart Laura for your patience.

Thanks as always Laura.  You rock at life... and photography.

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