Anyways, with all this wonderful snow comes wonderful traffic. I'm not suppose to have any traffic on my way to work. I live in the city and work outside the city. I'm against the flow. However, I do cross paths with it. So today, it delayed me a good 20-30 minutes... which isn't that bad considering what other people probably got delayed with. Do not know how you do it people. No idea.
So I made the best of this winter blizzard traffic pain in my butt delay and day dreamed about summer. What is summer going to be like this year with a baby! uhhh.... summer in a swimsuit after a baby. Summer walks with a baby!! uhhh.... no nice summer sleep in until 9.
But then I started thinking how great of a summer we had this last go around. So many fun weddings, a trip to visit our great friend Dave in Toronto, skydiving, and then what I think is the most life changing event we had.
Steve and I made a life changing decision this last summer to give our life to Christ. We made a promise before God that we are committing to change our life before him and love him above all else. And we proclaimed this in front of a lot of our family and friends.
It was such and amazing experience. And to add a little stress and fear to the event, our great friend who worked for the church at the time asked Steve and I to give our testimony in front of the church.
I hate public speaking. Hate it. I get all shaky, clammy, mumbly, nervous, sweaty.... it's not a pretty sight. But Steve and I prayed about it a lot and decided to do it. And only by God's grace did all the fear and anxiety disappear as I walked on that stage. I didn't even have to picture everyone in their underwear! Which is a good thing b/c both my parents and my in-laws were out there. I don't want those images in my head.
The testimony and the baptism is something I will always remember and cherish. My heart warms every time I think about that day. I do believe it's even extra special b/c I went through it with Steve. Plus the day was perfect, beautiful weather, an outdoor service, laying and chilling on blankets, great music and it was right next to where Steve proposed to me and I gladly excepted.
Here are a few photos from the day.

And we ended going to one of our favorite places with our family.
God is so good.
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