The issue arises when I'm most peaceful. When I'm relaxed and dreaming all about life's slendedness. And it usually happens right when you are about to kiss prince charming or about to get the final block in beach volleyball against Misty May in the Summer Olympics or even maybe as I'm about to hit this really big wave tubing, a wave so big it may put me in the record books and just as I'm about to land it and show my superiority....
Cramp so bad where you can't even begin to try and move your toes to stretch it out. You start to squirm and flail your arms over to your husband to try and wake him up. You try and do it gently not to startle but that's next to impossible so you usually wake him from his deep slumber in a panic where he shoots up out of bed. Then you start yelling "Cramp!! Telling him to grab my toes... oh man... just pull them back. Stretch it out."
Then after you finally start to feel some relief you slowly try again to muster up enough courage and strength to try pulling your toes back your self. By then two things happen.
1. It slowly goes away.
2. You start to cramp in either your toes or your shins. So now you have a cramp in both your calf and shin and maybe even toe. The Tri-fecta! .... the worst.
Anyways, by only God's mercy you finally get your leg to relax, your husband slunkers down into bed like nothing happened already snoozing, and you just lay there... stiff as a board. Trying not to move because you still feel that little tightness and are worried it might flare up again. And you pray that you don't sneeze. Oh the sneeze. Any bodily clinch will flare that sucker right back up.
I had that last night. Along with about 5 other nights during my pregnancy.
I don't like it.
At all.

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