Point taken.
In a couple weeks we'll be taking the photos so I went searching for ideas. But holy moly... there are some really awkward poses and pics out there. Here a just some that I found.
At first, this seems genuinely sweet. But then you see the creeper in the background and only hope that's the father. Totally looks like he's ready to smell her fluff.

Don't know what to say about this one.
Although this may fit Steve and my sense of weirdness. The whole eating the protruding belly button probably not going to happen.
Butt grabbage and nude body parts...
The watermelon through me off at first... then I realized the gun.

There were soo many others. So many nakies! And I sincerly apologize if one of the people I posted on here actually reads this blog. Highly unlikely. But you are all on google images!
What I've learned.
No guns
No food
No bare boobies
Steve will keep his shirt on
No sports equipment
How about a cute belly, nice background and a smile... sound good.
This is hilarious! I love your comments to each pic.