So today we left the Doctor's office on cloud 9, put off going to work a little while longer, grabbed a good breakfast and coffee and just enjoyed each other. What a perfect morning. Plus we just got to enjoy and reminisce about Baby and her visit.
Today was a busy day there though. I had my glucose and hemoglobin test. Which people freaked me out about. I was expecting to have to drink this nasty sugary goo. And drink it like you ate peas or green beans when you were little. Nose plugged, eyes squeezed shut like the sight of you putting the pea to your mouth was going to burn them, mouth pierced until the absolutely second of when you finally open up to shove the nasty thing down your throat. With the look of absolute disgust as you are trying to slither the drink or food down your throat.
Nope... none of that. Just a quick chug and it was done. It could also be the fact that I'd like to think I've matured since the age of 5 and just dealt with it.
Then after that test which I aced... whoo hooo. I met with our doctor and got to hear the most glorious sound. The heart beat. 140! Nice and strong. And I'm measuring just right on schedule. Maybe even a tish early. But I'm not getting my hopes up.
Then you go through the process of your questions which we were lame today and didn't have too many but it's always a nice thing b/c the doctor reassures you that everything is perfect, you look great, gaining 30 lbs already isn't that bad... oops. Yep 30!!! Already!!! oh man. Baby and I will be going for lots of runs and walks I have a feeling.
Then off to an ultra sounds which is the most exciting part. Baby looks healthy and perfect. We got to see a little bit of what her facial features look like but she was stubborn and not quite cooperating.
First her leg was over her head so we couldn't get a good view. She must get her flexibility from her Dad. :) HA... Steve can barely touch his knees much less his toes!
Then she moved into the far corner of the belly and tucked herself into the placenta which I'll now refer to as a pillow just in case that creeps some people out. Plus it literally looked like her head sunk deeply into a very fluffy plush pillow so we could barely see the sides of her face. And the pillow was squishing it from the sides. But its' amazing what technology can do.
Unfortunately we didn't get that great of a picture to share with you. But we did notice that she had a cute little button nose like Steve did when he was little. And since we don't have a good photo here is Steve.

I've said this before... but is it April yet?
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