My younger sister is going to get married this weekend!! And although I don't really have anything special to get ready for besides helping her her, my mind is still preoccupied.
I have it easy. Show up to help decorate, help her enjoy a mani/pedi, rehearse my standing up in the wedding party, try not to let my big belly get in her way, try not to let my big belly make me topple down the stairs, eat great food Friday night, get up and help her get ready aka watch her get ready, pray that my dress still fits, take decent photos, walk down the aisle without tripping, eat more good food Saturday night, and dance the night away. Sounds like fun huh.
Oh and figure out my speech. I have ideas. Great ideas. Ideas that are too much work to pull off. So my ideas are worthless at this point. So I need a pumpkin pie latte on the way home to help me brew up some new ideas for a speech.
Key points to a speech
1. keep it short
2. add some humor
3. end with a little sentimental value
4. don't forget the toast.
Those four steps are key along with try not to sweat, fumble, mumble, talk too loud-soft, keep it simple so everyone can follow, no inside stories or people just look at you like "HUH!" "WHat!" drrrr. Oh and end with a hug without knocking down chairs off the riser. That might be hard this year for me. Maybe we'll just fist pump.
Anyways, this post turned into way longer than expected but I did want to show you a business card and brochure I just sent to the printers.
Wish me luck this weekend!

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