Friday, May 25, 2012

The Magic Pacifier

I can't just let Rylee cry quite yet.  The word on the street is that you just have to sometimes let your baby cry.  My theory is she's too young yet and just needs some lovin'. 

Even though Rylee is a perfect baby, she likes to make my life difficult some days though for me.  For example,  she always finds the opportune time to start crying.  Like when my bladder is about to burst and the cross your leg wiggle sets in, she decides to not just start fussing but to have a full outburst.  One time it was so bad that I brought her into the washroom with me.  No little girl should ever see her mama like that.  

She also has perfect timing when I decide to start pumping.  sidenote... Steve calls them "Fog Horns."  2nd sidenote... every time I hook myself up I think about Rachel Green and the baby bong :)  I just love Friends.

Anyways, I find pumping rather weird so I'm not going to explain the scenario.  But she doesn't make it easy.

Then today we were out for a walk.  We try to go for an hour walk everyday exploring some new part of our little city.  Today we were 35 minutes into our walk and about a mile or so away from our home.  I may have even been a little lost.  And Rylee out of no where decides to start fussing.  She usually loves walks and sleeps the entire time. So immediately I try to shove in the pacifier and look around seeing who is observing the bad mom walking with the crying baby. Luckily no one.

Usually the pacifier is magic.  The plug works perfect. But we had an issue this time.  We literally would go in cycles.  Cry, I stop and put in the pacifier, she stops crying, is all happy, and I walk again, 5 seconds later it falls out and she starts crying, I stop, plug, walk, happy baby, plug falls, cry... this went over and over again for about 2 blocks.  And we have long blocks by our house.  

Finally the cry worsened, I start to really sweat, and I had to literally take her out of her stroller and soothe her.  Now this is when the dilemma really set in. Do I walk while holding her and push and empty stroller or hope and pray that she settle down quickly with a little TLC on the road side.  Luckily the TLC roadside love worked and we were on our way.

Then wouldn't you know not even a block later she starts smiling, secretly laughing at me, and drops the pacifier out of her mouth and enjoys the rest of the stroll home.

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