Wednesday, July 4, 2012

2 Months!

My baby just had her 2 month appointment.  I'm afraid she's not much of a baby anymore :(

Well she still is but she's definitely growing up way too fast.

In fact... she's huge.

The doctor even came in and the first thing she says is "oh wow Rylee you have gotten so big!"  And then laughs in ahh.

And big she is, 14 lbs and 24 inches long.  97th percentile.

You could have figured though with how tall Steve and I are.

Watch out Kerri Walsh...

The 2 month appointment was a little rough though.  First we show up to the appointment without the diaper bag... crud.  It has the paci and the food and Rylee was on the verge of needing both.  So Steve bolted home like batman in the bat mobile and showed up just in time.

Then the shots came.

I was dreading this but tried to prepare myself.  That didn't work.  Not even close.

They asked me to hold my poor baby down... no big deal.  So I started to play with her.  Yeah we are having lots of fun and then POKE!  My baby's eyes get all big, her lip starts to quiver, the saddest face in the world starts to form, the quiet before the storms sets in, then the look of how could you mom appeared which ripped my heart out and then the beller! oh the cry, she's never cried so hard.  There were even tears! Then another POKE.... more screams... then yet another POKE... more tears.

Oh sweetness... my poor baby.

 I was about to get some tears but just then they tell me I can pick her up and you would have thought someone was trying to tear her from my arms I held so tight.  And she never cuddled so hard.

But she cheered up pretty fast and we all returned to our normal happy selves.  But I do think it scarred me a little bit more than her.  I'm already dreading the 4 month appointment.

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