Friday, July 6, 2012


So I'm giving Rylee a bath... it's abnormal for us to take an afternoon bath but we are headed to the lake tonight and she had spit up a few times today.  Plus we are killing time until Dad comes home from work to leave.

I'm washing her all up.  Singing her some songs.  Making faces...

Then she starts to make a face....

Then the red face comes....

And before I could even say CRUD!!!!

thrrrrrrrrppp..... toot... poop.

And it floats to the top.

And more floats....

and some more.

I'm in shock and don't know what to do.  So I just let her finish while I'm fishing out the little turds and throwing them into the toilet.

Needless-to -ay, we emptied out her tub, refilled it and bathed all over again.

What a stinker!

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