Thursday, August 9, 2012

F to the Cubed: The Tube Ride

It gets to be a game.  A game for the riders for who can fall off the least?  Who gets the highest air? Who can knock off who?  And then a game for dad.  Who can he kill first? :)  And when someone does fall off usually a whole bunch of taunting occurs, the boat cirlces the tube rider while we all point and laugh.  Even Mason got into it this year.  He yells out, "Abby I thought you were strong!"  

But if you are new with us... we'll go easy on you.

Oh and I don't tube.  I retired 3 years ago.  It ended up getting expensive paying for a $60 chiropractor appt after each weekend.  So I upgraded to photographer and left the easy work to these three.


Finally a rest!


Loved this!


Then finally after stars align they finally hit that one perfect wave all together and land together.

 Then of course the boat stops, we laugh, scream how amazing that was, look to see if any boats around or anyone on shore saw it, we ohhh and ahhh over dad's driving skills, we check out the photo, discuss who got the highest air and then try and top it.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was tough when I got some air behind Carly's dad's boat. These pictures confirm that her dad takes it easy on newbies even though I didn't think so. That is some of the highest and craziest air I have ever seen. Props to the riders and driver. --BK
