Monday, September 17, 2012

The Happening Couple

My sister called me up Saturday and said, Go have a date night with the hubby!  We'll watch Rylee.  How sweet right?  We were planning on going to the Saturday church service anyways so we made plans to go out to eat afterwards.  

Well church was at 4:30.  Dinner was over by 8 that night.  We even milked it to take a long time.  I had a glass of wine, we chatted, laughed, had about 8 breadsticks each!  We decided we couldn't be that lame couple so we didn't want to head home quite yet but we had no idea what to do.  I had heals on so we couldn't go for a walk, it was to late for the early movie shows, too early for the late shows, we really don't feel the bar scene,  and it was too late of a notice to call up friends.  So we decided to walk around Sports Authority, browse the clearance section and then grabbed some Big League Chew and strolled on home :)

We are a happening couple these days.

But we are okay with cherishing up these amazing days with Rylee.  She's getting to be soo fun! And way too big.

And sorry I'm not an apple genius.  I couldn't figure out how to get it to turn vertically.  But I"m guessing blogger doesn't let you :(   

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