Monday, November 5, 2012


There aren't too many changes but one big change that is happening in the Dus household.  Seems like a perfect time considering daylight savings which I did realize that it isn't really that cool anymore as a parent.  Your child doesn't realize that she gets the privileged to sleep in one hour longer or be lazy one extra hour in bed or to take the opportunity to go to sleep and party one hour later.  That concept hasn't quite reached the mental capacity of a 6 month old.  This results in me not being able to celebrate the wondrous thing called daylight savings.  I still got up at my normal hours, however, I realized this too late and went to bed a little later causing a little bit of sleep deprivation   But I managed to make it through the day with some extra coffee and a Sunday lounge day on the couch. Luckily Rylee was up for some cuddle and football.


Back to this I guess.  The big change around our house is that I will be staying home with Rylee.  I'd like to say this was all voluntary but it wasn't.  However,  we have been praying a lot about this.  I loved my job but I missed staying home with Rylee.  Plus my job was heading into a direction that wasn't on my career goals.  It was going away from a lot of my marketing duties.  Being a small company that sometimes happens.  So after lots of prayer, God decided to answer them in a different way then expected.  As of last Monday I am laid off for the Winter.  

Steve and I found this to be a really great opportunity for us.  My hopes are to really enjoy my time with Rylee and get Carly D Design up and running.  The Rylee part I'm ecstatic about.  I missed her every minute I was away from her.  The Carly D Design I have that anxious, nervous, excited feeling going on.  This will be very much out of my comfort zone to go out and actually market myself.  I love meeting new people and finding opportunities however my heart races, I self doubt, and I get all clammy, nervous and quiet.  So with God's strength He'll help me overcome those obstacles.

So here's to new opportunities.  Wish me luck.

Or better yet... send lots of prayers ;)     

1 comment:

  1. Praying are blessed with amazing creativity, talent and the personality to push it all to levels you will never believe! God has big plans for you, my friend...I am sure of this!
