Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy 4th!

Is it weird that I got a little homesick tonight?

The home as in the home that I grew up in?

I'm blaming it on pregnancy.  That and the fact that I spent almost a week straight with my Mom.

See I threw out my back last Sunday and Mom and Dad were coming up Monday to the cities so I asked if she'd stay with me while dad had to head back to work and then we'd head back early for the 4th of July leaving Steve to come a few days later.  She so kindly agreed and has helped me ever since with Rylee.

Plus my other sisters and their families came up Thursday and we spent the long weekend together until Sunday having a blast and just hanging out.  There was never a dull moment.  Life was filled with chats, sarcasm, inappropriateness, love, competition, and good ol' family togetherness.

We tubed, wake boarded, skied, knee boarded, bummed in the lake, built sand castles, sat around the fire, shot off fireworks, gathered on the deck each morning for coffee, played yard games, rode the 4 wheeler and jet ski, were crazy and ran through the sprinkler,  and ate a TON of food.

So when I returned home tonight to our smoking hot house where I almost literally melted while putting stuff away and the quiet set in, I started to get extremely sad and tears almost began to fill my eyes.  Luckily Rylee came, grabbed my hair and clawed my face as she was trying to climb her way up my lap and snapped me right out of it.

It's great to be home and settle into a routine but I sure do miss cooling off in the lake and living in a swimsuit.  And a major plus is, my belly is suppose to hang out right now so I never have to suck it in! I can let it all hang out... in a tasteful manner. :)

Thanks to my family for being so wonderful! I miss you tons.

1 comment:

  1. My air conditioner is NOT working -- or at least it is in need of great repair. So, as I sit and type, my face is sweaty, my arms clammy, and I'm sticky all over on this hot, humid day. HOWEVER -- at least I don't have to deal with that pg bulge of yours. HAHAHA!
    (still - that wouldn't be allllllll bad - a few years back).
