Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Mystery

Steve and I have continued to struggle with our plumbing situation down in the basement.

See Toilet Paper and Turds post if you want to really know what's going on.

Well Sunday while I slept, Steve thought he fixed the problem and he could have but we haven't wanted to take the time to run a load of laundry and check. It's a little bit of laziness and scardy-catness.

In the meantime though, we found another plumbing issue with the tiny little bathroom in our room. This bums me more than anything! I get up 2-3 times a night to use the washroom and now instead of walking 10 feet, I have to walk 30 feet. 20 feet is a lot when you have cold wood floors and are walking around like a zombie. One time Steve or Nick didn't put the toilet seat down and I almost fell through! I was too tired to care. Anyways, we also think we know the problem here but just haven't had time to fix it b/c we were fixing the other issue!

Then... my sister jinxed us by saying, "when it rains, it pours" and she had the gull to not even knock on wood! Our house is filled with wood... just do a little stomp and I think that would have substituted. But nooo.... we found another surprise this morning.

As I'm about to walk out the door, I decide to clean up the food that the 2 nice gentleman left to crust on the base of the sink so I turn on the hot water to loosen it up. As it's running I go to turn on the dishwasher to obviously wash the dishes. Then a ghost in our house decided to play a trick on me and abruptly shut off the sink water. I stand puzzled. I tried wiggling it and turning it on a again... nothing. Then the dishwasher started to sound like it was coming down with the flu so I quickly cancelled that. Hmmmm....

Then the thought of a flood occurring in my basement popped into my mind so I sprinted down the stairs into our laundry room. Thank goodness nothing.

So I checked the breakers even though I was pretty sure it had nothing to do with the water. Yep nothing.

Then ran back upstairs to see if the rest of the electricity worked in the kitchen... Yep.

Checked the rest of the water in the house... works great.

I'm so puzzled by this point. Steve was at school for observation hours so I couldn't called him so I call the other man in my life.

This guy!
My Dad usually knows everything. I call him and he usually has a solution. In fact, it was hard on Steve and I when we first got married b/c I'd forget to call Steve first and go right to my Dad. I quickly learned that Steve is just as capable and it's only right that he be the first in man in my life.

Anyways, to my surprise he was unsure of the problem and I was late for work as it already was. He said he'd think on it. I know he will too. Unsolved mysteries drive him crazy. The mysteries that he can fix not like mysteries on murders. I can't really see Dad solving murders.

Although when we were younger he usually was the silent enforcer. I've never seen him lose his temper. Ever! He would just look at you.... oh so disappointed and you'd fill as big as a blue little smurf and spill your guts on all the things you did wrong.

That is talent. I need to learn how to do that.

Anyways, this is an unsolved mystery that I hope is not flooding our basement right now as I'm 30 miles away from home. I'm a little nervous to venture on back to find a crime scene.

I think I'll be saying a few extra prayers today.


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