Monday, November 7, 2011

The Shower

Abby is my little sister. Well she's tougher and stronger than me so can I still call her my little sister?

Anyway, Abby's getting married so my older, very pregnant but looks great sister, Jena and I threw her a personal bridal shower. I was a little freaked out with the guest list. 30 crazy girls in my tiny house! Holy cows. But thankfully, even though I love them all, only 16 came. But it was perfect.

Jena, who I like to call Pioneer Woman, drove the long haul from Iowa on Friday so we could prepare our delicious homemade Martha Stewart meal of soups and breads. We even planned it out so the breads finished right as they were coming in so it would smell yummy and they could enjoy the freshness of it.

Jena's part of the meal turned out flawless and it was way more complicated. Me... not so much. I just needed to make one bread, a soup and be in charge of drinks.

My bread was ready last. And it was just plain boring white bread that you make in the bread maker. I'm blaming the bread maker for being lazy and taking forever.

My soup, although delicious, had a few issues. I literally had to throw everything into the Crockpot and just let it be. But nooooo! It kept deciding to keep overflowing and cause a big huge mess!

Then I just had to get the peach tea and apple cider ready. Well I totally forgot about the peach tea. And I had no idea how to use the percolator we borrowed from our lovely Mom. Do I put the medal rod in or is it just for coffee. Turns out its important and if you don't put the black coffee thing in, which you wouldn't think is necessary b/c it's apple cider not coffee, it decides to get all mad and spit hot apple cider back up at you.

But the night went well after I got my poop in a group.

We told guests to bring their favorite memories of Abby. So while they visited as the shower was just getting started they did a little arts and crafts decorating a 5x7 note card with the memory for Ab. We learned a lot about Ab that day... she's very interesting.

Then we read those cards before each gift she opened.

She received a lot of really nice gifts.

And a lot centering around her love for princesses. Especially Cinderella.
Did you know she had a Cinderella backpack for her freshman year at college. Most people just want to fit in. Not Ab. She wanted her Cinderella backpack to take her all through her college years. Well I guess Cinderella backpacks are meant for crayons and coloring books not college textbooks and notebooks. It didn't survive long. Poor Cinderella.Then we played some games. Our first correlated with gifts. If Ab said some funny words while opening gifts, I'd secretly write them down. There were a lot! Then when she finished I read off the list of phrases/words and these were to be the words that Ab would say to her husband on their first night together as a married couple.

Everyone at least split one gut. I at least know that it was the first time I have ever laughed so hard I cried. First time ever!
Then some more games, mostly movie trivia with wedding dresses and favorite movie couples.

These two masterminded and "maybe"cheated off in the corner. Although they may deny :)I had so much fun that day. But I was whiped out! Who do these girls think I am? They kept me up until 3:30 in the morning! Yes day light savings time 3:30! This pregnant woman couldn't get out of bed the next day. I finally did at 10am only because I heard voices in the living room.

Crap... I better go make them breakfast.

Then as soon as they left, this mama went back to bed for a couple more hours. And was a bum for the rest of the day and went to bed early. I think I'm okay now though.

But I'd do it all again.


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