Thursday, March 27, 2014

Good Morning Song

" A loud and cheerful greeting early in the morning will be taken as a curse!"  Proverbs 27:14

Did any of you have that annoying Dad, or even mom, but it seems like it's always the dads, that woke you up with the way too cheerful song of  "Good Morning!!"  

The real annoying one.

You know, like this one.

Dad may not have been tap dancing (at least I hope not),  but there was still a whole bunch of falsetto and vibrato going that made you groan and pull the blankets over your head in pain and agony of too much cheer and noise going on.  Especially for a school morning.

Well...  according to my Proverbs study... he was foolish and in the wrong.  

So I told him.

In fact this is exactly what I said. 

"Dad, According to Proverbs 27:14 your "Good Morning" song was not the appropriate way to wake us up.  My annoyed behavior back then is feeling justified."

He writes back,

"My intentions were to look up the Bible verse and come back  with some clever remark, but after reading it, it's making it difficult."  

Apology accepted.  Thanks Dad.

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