Monday, March 31, 2014

Hudson - 4 Months

My bright eyed sweet boy is now 4 months already!

He had developed so much.

He sits up pretty good on his own, plays actually during tummy time instead of just flopping around, rolls over (not much, he just did this on his 4 month birthday) chats and squeals like crazy and has graduated to the jumperoo.

He's also sleeping like a champ.  Usually a good  8 hour night and a longer afternoon nap. Which means we have some happy parents in this household.

And he's actually on the charts unlike his older sister.  He averages around the 75th percentile.

16 lbs 5 oz
25 3/4 inches

And we just tried out some food... not a fan.  But we'll keep trying.

Big sister Rylee has also been into being nice to him.We'll see how long that lasts. She loves to give him kisses and hugs... constantly.  Especially nice runny nosed snotty ones. She plays under his mat and does tummy time with him showing him how she can roll over which results in her rolling right over the top of him and helps him jump in his jumperoo. aka swing him back and forth really hard.  But I  think her favorite time is to wake up Hudson in the morning.  That or she just wants to jump in his crib.

As you can tell she is a gentle soul.  Good thing he is one tough cookie.  In fact, he puts up with almost anything and only freaks out with the random screams.  But so do I.

Happy 4 months sweet Hudson.

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