Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mother's Day Cards

Now that Easter is over we can start thinking about the next holiday.  Mother's Day!

My inspiration: Tangled.

Rylee absolutely loves Tangled... she actually calls it Rapunzel's hair.  And last year for her birthday a friend bought her a princess castle with a Rapunzel "little people" that is absolutely adorable.  Rylee plays with it all the time.

One of the features on the princess castle is that it says 3 things from that character and then sings a song.  Well one just happens to be when Rapunzel yells out "BEST DAY EVER!"  and Rylee almost always yells with it... well, most of the time she just gets out "EVER!"  And she just happened to be playing when I was trying to come up with ideas...

So enter... Best Mom Ever Cards.

I also wanted to do something a little different for this card.  I got such great response on the grocery bag style envelopes that I thought... why not cards.  I also wanted create something that could be used for mother's day but also beyond.  Mom's should be celebrated year around (dad's too) so order a few extra to send to your mom on her birthday, after a great weekend where she worked her tail off hosting everyone, or just to say "mom you really are the best mom ever."

There are also Grandmother cards.  These are on the same grocery bag paper but say something a little different.

Price:  $2.50 a card, $2.25 a card for 2 or more, $2.00 a card for 4 or more.
(shipping = $1)

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