Monday, April 28, 2014


Note: These posts are like her babybook or her personal journal.  We love to look back on and see what she was doing and how she was developing.  I'm sure most of you could care less about what she was eating or all the things that she is saying.  And that's okay... just skip to the photos then :)

Tomorrow Rylee turns two.  How am I seriously a mother of a 2 year old now?  And why is she growing up so fast?  She needs to stop.  But this age is beyond fun... and testing... and also self-reflecting.

For instance.  Rylee is starting to talk like I do.  Just in the last week or so she started ending all her sentences with "okay?"   "I go outside... Okay?" "I have orange? Okay?" 

Turns out I say okay a lot when I'm instructing Rylee.  Okay is my "do you understand?"  So we're working on correcting this together.

She also started scolding her babies (or Steve and I) like I scold her.  She yells, "You come here...NOW!" She also puts us in timeouts, counts to three, and tells the babies or anybody for that matter, "You naughty."

She also knows how to work it.  If she does something naughty she either runs away, looks at you real sweet or giggles and tries to make her face all bright and cheery like you can't get mad at me I'm way too cute right now.  Most of the time I don't break but there are times when it just makes me smile and you forget all about it.  

She's also obsessed with bubbles, washing dishes, blowing snot out of her nose to gross me out, and putting on her own shoes.  

She loves the swing, chalk, babies, little people princesses, and jumping on the couch and pounding on the glass when people are outside and then she yells to me, "I play with people... okay?"

Her most recent enjoyment is to climb in the toy box and have me shut the lid.  Then she yells... Monster coming! And covers her eyes.  (don't worry the toy box lid has openings for breathing)  

Or she jumps on our ottoman which she calls the boat and yells "shark coming!"  I'm giving all credit to her dad for her imagination.

We sing and dance on a daily even hourly basis. Give kisses to Hudson all the time.  Waves to everyone and everything. When asked what she did today, it usually has something to do with a puppy even if we didn't see a puppy.  I can bribe her to do almost anything if I give her an apple... or tell her I'll take her blankie away.  I can barely get her to eat anything but ham, eggs, pancakes, cheese and crackers.  The nice thing is she likes almost all fruit.  Bad thing... can't get her to even try a veggie.  I blame this on her daddy.  And when she doesn't like a food, she spits it out, spits and says, "no like... yuck"  but if she likes it, her eyes get real big and she yells, "I like it!"  She loves to read her bible at night but only lets me read the "baby" story which is Jesus's birth. And when we see babies, toddlers, or even young kids whether in real life or on paper, she yells out, "Baby!" and will continue to yell baby until you respond back to her.

Happy 2nd Birthday Rylee!

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