Friday, May 2, 2014


I had the absolute privileged to work with Lindsey on developing her brand. Everything she did and chose for her design had a reason and I loved that.  And she's super passionate about fitness and nutrition so I got a few tips along the way!

I helped Linds develop her logo.  Moxie.  And it's one of my absolute favorites of all times.  I love the simplicity of it.

I also designed her business card.

It meant a lot to Linds to put the definition of Moxie b/c it describes who she is and where she wants her company to go.  And I loved designing with that.

Moxie [mox-see or mak-see] noun. 1. Force of character, determination or nerve; it's that intangible tangible, you can't read about it or learn it, it comes from deep within; 2. David had it, Goliath didn't; 3. it can be as small as a mustard seed but move mountains; it says "Nothing is impossible. I do not know how to fail." .

This is Lindsey's Facebook cover page.  I have her twitter page designed as well but I'm having some issues with formatting.  Anyone want to enlighten me on how to do this?

Thanks Lindsey for giving me the opportunity to help develop your brand.  But who am I kidding you had it all in that thought-out driven brain of yours... I just helped put it on paper (actually computer.)

I highly suggest "liking" her page on Facebook.  Moxie will have awesome and useful fitness, nutritional and healthy lifestyle tips.

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