Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hudson: 5 months

Hudson turned 5 months yesterday.  And what a sweet peanut he is.  We've been very blessed again to have another easy and happy baby.  He's a complete joy.  Although, I think we might be starting the beginning stages of teething. We soak through a couple outfits a day with all the lovely drool.  And have rounding spouts of screaming in his sleep with a few 1am wake-ups which we haven't had in the last several months.

Here are some highlights:
  • Sleeps about 9 hours a night. No schedule after that too much but I blame that on my self..
  • He's starting to get a little chub on him.  The little rolls in his legs are adorable.
  • He tells me he loves to wear his hat and sunglasses, so I honor his wishes and we accessorize him often.
  • Loves his tummy especially when he can look into his mirror.
  • Also loves the exersaucer and jumperoo but gets exhausted so can only handle for short periods of time.
  • Hates the wind so if we could have some calm days soon that would be lovely.
  • Scares easily from loud noises and Rylee thinks it's funny to scream and freak him out thus causing him to cry uncontrollably for a few minutes. Those are lovely days when that happens often.
  • He enjoys a good cuddle but talks and moves more than Rylee ever did.  Those legs and arms are constantly moving when he's playing.  The other day in church it looked like he was dancing to the worship music.
  • And we love his sweet big ears and chubby little legs.

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