Monday, June 2, 2014

Father's Day Cards

After I saw Steve hold Rylee for the very first time, I'm a sucker for Daddy's and their little girls.  So even though this card may not be the most marketable (sorry sons), it's my favorite.  I love it.  All I wanted my card to say was "little girl" and somewhere to put always.  Because it's true.  We are always  little girls to our daddys.  We never grow out of it.

Father's Day Card
Folded to 4x6, 105# stardreams cover, grocery bag envelopes will be included.

$2.50 a card, 
$2.25 a card for 2 or more,
$2.00 a card for 4 or more. 
Shipping is $1.

Buy on Etsy or contact me directly,

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