Thursday, June 5, 2014

Really Steve?

So we are sitting at the breakfast table and we got to talking about a friend who just left for Jamaica on his honeymoon.  Then Steve says something bizarre...

"A "destination" place has never really fancied me."

And I just stared at him.



"Well, don't get me wrong, I'd love to go but I'd rather do something like... just go to the Wisconsin Dells."


Yes, my husband.  My simple husband said he'd rather go to the Wisconsin Dells than lets say, Cancun, Aruba, Jamaica.

Who is this guy?

Even Rylee gave a scowl.

I know right, Rylee.  Your dad.  My husband. Wants to just go across the border, on a simple car ride to the Wisconsin Dells and ride Black Thunder rather than travel the world, see the ocean and beautiful scenic terrain, relax, enjoy the 5 star cuisine, be pampered, sip pina coladas, soak in the sun, and have someone wait on you all day.

Then he started to explain himself.  Making no sense. Only making it worse.  Making him sound more of simpleton and in my words Dull.  He justifies he's more fun b/c he can go to Noah's Ark and go on water rides.  I said... 


I win.

Meanwhile, poor Hudson is just sitting there, eating his bib b/c he's starving waiting for his deliscious bananas that his father is forgetting to feed him.

Then I explain to Hudson, why his Dad has forgotten all about him and he laughs at the thought of choosing Wisconsin over the Caribbean.

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