Yep today is the mark of week 14. Steve and I couldn't quite figure out what was an appropriate time to take baby bump pictures. I didn't even know if I wanted to. I mean, yeah, now is all fine b/c the bump is all cute. But what about when I'm 38 weeks, fat with swollen legs, big butt, and all the other weird stuff that happens to pregnant women. Yes the weird stuff is suppose to be all the beautiful changes pregnant women with little miracles of human life growing in them just go through. Some days though it will not be beautiful changes but just fat.
But we decided to take anyways and just document our journey. And ps... not sure if that is even a baby pump or just a gut. I eat a lot now. Not a lot at one sitting but constantly eating. It could just be from that. But I'm going to make myself feel better and call it a baby bump.
I also thought it only be appropriate to do the pregnancy pose. Brings a certain something to the photo.
Also, most everyone now knows I'm pregnant and have the same questions so for those I don't see often and if you are curious, I have the FAQs below.
How far along: 14 weeks
Due date: April 25th
Were we trying: Yes, we feel very lucky that God blessed us with a baby on the first try. I know right, first try!
Side note - My younger sister Abby is engaged. When we went bridesmaid dress shopping that was the first month we were trying. So when I went to get my measurements I had no idea if I'd be pregnant next month, 3 months, or never. So I opted to go up one dress size just in case and call it good. Well.... She brought it over last weekend and it fits perfectly... now... oops. Hopefully my amazing seamstress can figure out how to make this amazing dress fit when I'm 6 months pregnant.
How are you feeling: I'm starting to feel better. Early on I was nauseous but kept it down, never really felt like eating, nothing sounded or tasted good. In fact, for about 3 weeks straight I had chicken pot pie or Homemade Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup. Later I added PB&Js to the diet and now its expanded to mostly all bland food. Now I'm mostly just tired and have a few days here and there where I don't feel that great.
Will we find out the sex: Yes, Steve was reluctant to but I can't help myself. The curiosity would drive me crazy!
Names: We were going to tell people but I think now we decided to keep it a secret.
Most excited about: Immediate outcome... to do the nursery. Steve could care less about that. But I think we both are looking forward to going on walks and just cuddling with Baby D. I'm also curious about the looks of the baby. My sister-in-law Beth said it looks like a Dus from the ultrasound, Dad said it had a volleyball in there, and multiple people said its going to come out with a hockey stick.
How is Steve doing: Steve as you would expect is doing amazing. Even though he's super busy between work, school , recruiting and observation hours, he still finds time to make sure I'm taken care of and he does way more chores around the house than I do. He's been perfect.
Love the FAQs! Since I haven't seen you since your announcement, I feel all caught up!