I love this weekend. I get to go back and see old teammates and friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Some yes I see on a more regular basis.... others this is the only time I'll see them all year.
Steve will not be coming with me this weekend because he has a fun filled, adventurous weekend working and doing homework. Such a lucky man. I on the other hand will be enjoying every minute catching up with a special group of girls.
I always consider my friendships with my volleyball teammates to be a little different than with my college friends. I have no idea why but there is a whole different level of bond. I love both sets of friends equally but in a different way. Maybe its because we go through workouts, runs, practices, bus talks, really fun back of the bus talks, bus talks that should not be repeated, game preparation, competition, winning, losing, frustration, celebrations, parties, trips,... etc. But whatever it is I love them to death and I'm sure we'll pick up right where we left off in our last conversation.
Here are some favorite memories and moments
1. For preseason we always Toilet Papered Coach's house. And we were really good at it too. Great team bonding moments.

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