Wednesday, November 23, 2011

18 Weeks

Happy 18 weeks Baby D!

So this is one thing that I can be thankful for. Steve, Baby D and I have made it to 18 weeks!

I'm feeling tons better too. I tell Steve sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant until I realize my pants don't fit anymore. I can't even zip up anymore.... the cows are definitly flying about.

I'm still reluctant to go and buy maternity clothes but will have to soon. I just grew out of my 2nd to last pair that fit me!! So I now rotate between my leggings and skinny jeans. Good thing it's boot season :)

Overall though I'm feeling better. I have some quirkiness left, like I have to eat cereal immediately after I brush my teeth. It's something about the mint that doesn't sit well. So even before bed I brush and then eat cereal.

I have some pain in my low back and hips. It's subtle but I'm assuming that my body is slowly shifting and making changes for the ever dreaded labor which I've come to except and expect so I'm preparing with a prenatal yoga class which I really enjoy. Stretch those hips out!

But I can eat anything and I eat a lot. I find myself resisting a lot though b/c I don't need to gain an extra 60 lbs. Sadly I have a very high carb diet. I'm loving pasta. Me and the Adkins diet would not mesh right now.

Coffee still doesn't sound good. Although if I force myself to walk into Starbucks a Gingerbread Latte usually goes down well. Force... HA! But actually I never crave coffee anymore. Brewed coffee still makes me a little nauseous.

But my belly has popped out. I think its even popped out lots in the last week. I still don't feel as big as I look in this photo. But you know... camera... 10 lbs. Which Baby D has literally added 10 lbs to me. But a 10 lbs I'll gladly except.

Hello pregnancy pose...

and a dirty towel in the background.... we didn't set the stage well early this morning.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May God send you many many blessings this Thanksgiving season.

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