Monday, November 28, 2011

Master of All

Steve and I went back to my parent's home over Thanksgiving break. It was a marvelous break. We had Thursday through Sunday full of Thanksgiving preparation, meals, games, movies and fun. Three Thanksgiving meals in four days is pretty good. In fact, now I can't even get close to buttoning my pants.

On Friday night, we decided to step out of the kitchen and into the bowling alley. We usually go bowling once every two years so we're pretty much pros.

Well at least my soon to be brother-in-law Ryan is. He even has his own bowling shoes and ball. Pretty impressive. We studied his every move just so we could perfect our game.

Please note his form...

He has the swing the right leg left arm to the side perfect form for just the right strike. Although... he did miss that last pin I believe :)

Now note Dad's...

Not bad, but could use some work.

Now Abs.... (the fiance of the pro bowler)

Not good.....

We ended up playing only two rounds... the first was my better one so I'll post those scores.

We have:
In first: Master of All - The Ryan Master himself. Obviously takes first but acts like it's no big deal.

2nd: Baby Mama - Well... me. I got smoked in the last frame.

3rd: Turkey Carver - Quickly has fallen in the ranks. Used to be #1 back in the day, the day meaning the 90's. You still look good Dad.

4th: Flash - aka Abby. Self given nickname in college. Won the award for best Tebow, fastest bowl to the gutter, and most gutter balls.

5th: The Boss - Obviously this would be Mom. During the first round, Mom sustained a minor injury that sidelined her from the rest of the game. We continued to bowl for her.

LAST!: Onalaska Legend - My one and only Steve Dus. Although he looks athletic in his form and pose... he's really not that good. I beat him both times and obviously let him know it. Ialso better not explain why he's a legend... he hates when I call him this so I continue to do it more.

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