Friday, November 4, 2011

Fried Brains

My brain is fried.

Completely and utterly fried.

I just finished my website.

Now off to getting everything ready for my little sister's Bridal Shower. Her wedding isn't until February but my older sister is having a baby in December! So many things going on in the Freiborg family. (Freiborg is my maiden name)

Yes I go from something somewhat complicated to a very simple Dus. Although sometimes it's too simple for people and they always ask me... "Is that it?" umm... yes that's it do you think I would give you, a random person, just half my last name?

Better that I guess than never being able to pronounce it. PS. Freiborg is said like Fry-berg.

I hope you enjoy the website! If you don't, please don't tell me :)

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