Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Trick or Treat Experience

Yesterday was a rough day at work so I was glad to get home and start the fun with Trick or Treating. We expected trick or treaters to come around 6-6:30 so about the time we get home. I, Martha Stewart, quickly make something from a frozen bag for a nice, romantic, quick meal before the madness begins. 6:30 sharp our neighbors came over, little miss angel, a couple ninja people, a princess, and I couldn't tell what the last one was. I must not be up on my movies or cartoons.

We were sitting pretty well with our two bags of candy thinking we were the house to go to because we handed out 3-4 pieces at a time. We had kids come up, do their trick or treat thing, get the candy, and walk away high-fiving b/c we gave them three kit kats! We are soo cool.

Then we got daring and let two cute little boys, a mouse, and something scary (as if a mouse is not scary enough) choose what they wanted from the bucket. BIG mistake. Those two walked away with heaping fists of candy each emptying half our bowl! From then on we became the lame house because we could only hand out 2 at a time.

But don't worry Steve spiced up the atmosphere around our house unintentionally. He got ADD just sitting there so he had to go start up the chainsaw b/c we were giving it back to a friend and he for some reason wanted to make sure everything was good on it. aka... he just wanted to play. He had amazing timing and started it up right as about 6-7 junior high kids came up to our door. Their faces got a little freaked out and Little Miss Riding Hood whispered to a witch "It's like Texas Chainsaw Massacre around here!"

So I had to tell Steve he's being the creepy guy in the garage scaring away kids. He thought that was cool.

Then the highlight of my night happened. The cutest little boy, about 2, came up to the house dressed as Sully from Monsters, Inc. By far the best costume that night. I fell in love with little boy Sully. I was even tempted to ask the Dad if I could take his picture so I could show you guys. But we creeped out enough people for one night.

Not too long after that, we sadly had to shut off our lights, blow out the pumpkin candles, and shut the door. We officially became the boring house on the street by 7:45 because we ran out of candy. We feel ashamed. But I blame those two little boys and maybe the fact that we kept snitching at the candy bowl the couple days before.

But the night was young. I was still carving a pumpkin and sipping on Apple Cider so Steve decided to postpone his school work a little while longer and make a treat for Abby's Bridal shower this Saturday. Abby is the little sister Steve never had and Steve is the big brother that Ab never had, so they have this, cute, weird relationship going on. Half the time I find out what's going on with Ab through Steve. But I love that they are close.

So he made his special treats. So amazing yet so complicated. Two Ritz crackers with peanut butter slapped between dipped in Almond bark with sprinkles on top. Sooooo yummy. (Jena do you mind if we add this to the menu?)

It's quite entertaining watching Steve use his baking skills. For instance he almost put a metal bowl in the Microwave. No need to electrocute us Steve.

Then he forgets that he just heated up the chocolate so when you dip your figures in it, it more than likely is going to be hot. But it never fails I always here an "oh man!"

But for the most part he does an excellent job and I'll gladly eat these nice salty, sweet, amazing treats.

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