But the important thing is that everything is progressing well. I'm measuring right where I'm suppose to be. The heart beat is strong. And not really sure what else but it's looking good.

Well until this last Monday.
But I'm recovering.
I was headed to our monthly happy hour that us college friends get together for. I was a little late b/c of a yoga class but they were DVRing the Bachelor so I wouldn't miss out. My friend lives in a development area of town homes. (I think that is what you consider it) So I parked about a block or two away. As I was walking, I wasn't paying attention, and all of a sudden my feet slipped out right in front of me, cartoon style, onto the pavement straight on my upper right butt cheek.
Serious ouch.
I laid there for about 5 seconds wondering if I was going to be able to move. Luckily I could but very slowly. I made my way up, ever so carefully straightening up, bucked up, and then went on my way... a lot more careful this time.
But oh man did that hurt. And I don't even have a bruise to show it!! I did start to freak out in my mind about whether Baby D was okay. But she's a trooper and thank goodness God granted me peace right away b/c she started moving right when I sat down inside.
But besides wincing every movement that night during sleep or waking up like I was 11 months pregnant, I've recovered somewhat fast. My boss gave me off yesterday since it was quiet around the office to recover. Thank you for that! Because I was not moving too fast yesterday. I bet if my Grandma and I raced. She'd beat me by a mile in a 4oo meter race.
But bright side... thank goodness it wasn't my tailbone. And praise God Baby D is still healthy at 26 weeks. Only 14 left! Maybe less...
...please don't say maybe more.
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