There was pink popcorn.

Thanks for taking time
to come and welcome me.
I'm so excited to meet
all my friends and family.
I did want to send a message
with a very special thought.
I appreciate the love you've shown
and the gifts that you have brought.
Thank you all for your love
and gifts and special wishes.
And now it's up to me
to send you baby kisses.
Too adorable.
There was also my favorite sherbert punch, chicken skewers with a really good dip, stuffed mushroom which I again ate half the plate, spinach artichoke wraps, feta basil tomato skewers and then the men had there own menu of food.
Holy food right!
The men decided to get together and play a little boot hockey. You know manly stuff while we played some shower games and chatted it up indoors. They really got into it. They came in huffing and puffing. Steve was barely able to get out of bed this morning in fact. When it comes to competition it's always full out.
We also played a really fun and undeliscious game of guess the baby food. Which I surprisingly guessed really well at. But didn't win :( Who knew the tie breaker would come down to a chicken, turkey and veggie baby food. No idea chicken and turkey even existed in baby food.
Way to undermine a mother's to be confidence ;)
We also played Baby bingo and opened some amazing gifts. So many gifts.

Has my life turned kind of sad?
Naw... just different.
After the shower, Steve grabbed the leftover cupcakes b/c he has one of the biggest sweet tooths I've ever known and we raced home. Seriously... Steve and another gentleman from the shower decided to race to see who could take who off the stop light fastest.
Steve they have a brand new car... we had no shot. Our car just needs some TLC. Plus they have a 6 month old in the back seat and we have a baby in the belly of your loved one.
Oh... boys will be boys.
But I will admit I enjoyed it too.
Then after our race home, I raced into the nursery to quickly unpack, show it all off to Steve, and organize into Baby D's nursery.
I couldn't wait to put it all away. I had so much fun organizing. I'm weird like that.
But seriously. Look at all of that. Baby D scored big time! She even scored bigger with her Moms and Dads choosing some pretty great friends who will be great mentors and friends to her over the next 18 years of her life
You hear that people? 18 years. No moving away on us.
A serious heart-felt thanks being sent out to all of you at the shower last night. Love you all.
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