Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Whoa! 3 Years.

We made it three full years! Three years ago today was our wedding day. Best day I've experienced so far. I hear the birth of your child trumps it. So I added in so far.

I was thinking on my way into work today how Steve and I have grown as a couple over the last 7 years. We dated for 3 1/2 and were engaged for only 6 months. Crazy huh... 6 months! And now 3 years of marriage.

We've grown from little sophomores in college with no responsibilities to now taking on the challenge of having one of life's greatest responsibilities... a child.

Who would have thought 7 years ago that long, orange haired, hippie like, chiseled, strong, rollerblading, Frisbee throwing, hunk of a man would have ended up with me. I think only God did at this point :) But we fell in love hard and fast and developed a relationship of friendship, goofiness, and love.

And it's been sweet and blissful ever since with a few random and quirky situations a long the way :)

Here's a thumbs up to starting our journey!We save up our dancing for only weddings and dance extremely well. We can give lessons.I caught the bouquet! And little did I know he already had the ring. A month later we're engaged. Catch it ladies... IT WORKS!!!Best day ever. Opened a door to a whole new kind of love.We officially adopted him in. Yes... we do have Team Freiborg shirts and wear them especially for Freiborg Family Fun weekend in the summers.The day God truly entered our relationship.... our baptism.Steve told me I couldn't touch the Stanley Cup. It was a bad omen. If you touched it, you'd never win it. Really Steve?.... touching it would be the only reason I'd never win a Stanley Cup. Best ice cream shop in the world... yes WORLD!!! Cross Lake camping.He knows how to push my buttons. I think he knew this from the first day we met.... It's like a gift!We talked about taking Baby D skydiving this summer. Is there an age limit?I was actually pregnant here! No one knew...We get weird... it happens.Our better sides.At Christmas... Just 6 months along.
Thank you for a wonderful 3 years of marriage Steve. I love you so extremly much. Can't wait... well I can... to look back in 30-40+ years on where our journey will have taken us.