Love how the branches become frosted with snow. So beautiful.
But I came to more realizations. Like most things it changes. Snow is like a really cute pair of cheap jeans. The jeans look great at first but then you sit and move around in them and they start to sag and hang off your butt, makes you look like you pooped your pants. Or it's like a great cup of coffee. So delightfully warm and tasty and just cozies everything up in your body. But then after a while it cools, tastes gross and gives you really bad breath and stains your teeth.
Then magic happened. My slump disappeared all in the hand over of one piece of paper and a $5 bill. Caribou decided to celebrate Leap Day with a BOGO. Buy One Get One FREE!!!!
Whoooooo hooooo!
And my lovely boss knowing how I love a good coffee decided to treat me and a friend to one.
So I say share the joy of a Caribou in the midst of now all the slush, freezing rain, wet shoes and socks, and slippery pavement. Because there is nothing better than sipping a Toasted Marshmallow Latte with Skim Milk and Extra Hot on a cold wintery day.

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