But I did steal him away for some fun yesterday. After we had some fun grilling out with friends, Steve and I went on a bike ride/run. I rode my bike with my nice cushioned Grandma seat bike while Steve geared up in his running clothes. I'm guessing it was a pretty funny sight to see a 35 week huge bellied pregnant lady on a bike... not something you see every day.
We have a nice serene path that is about a mile away from our house. The path surrounds a really pretty swampy/pond area. You can usually find tons of birds and other wildlife. We were about half way around the 3 mile path when I spotted a fallen tree/huge log in the water with about 30 snapping turtles resting comfortably. I pointed it out to Steve expecting to get a glance and to keep moving on.
Steve needed to inspect a little closer.
So putting on his 10 year old curious boy pants he trudged through some brush, and stepped out onto the about 15" diameter log. About 3/4 of all the snapping turtles decided to then jump. So Steve stepped out further, about 6 feet to get closer to the remaining.
This is the point in the story where I'm thinking to myself. "Self... you should really probably warn your husband to be careful and not fall in. " Then other self counters back with, "He's a big boy just having some fun. Nothing will happen...."
Steve steps too close to the edge of the log, a piece of bark breaks, and he slips and falls into the swampy, nasty, snapping turtle infested water! Mind you, he didn't just fall in knee deep, he fell into the deep water, catching himself bear hugging the log with just his right arm and head above water.
He finally manages to crawl out. Sloshes up to the trail and just stands there, slumped over, soaked, with seaweed hanging out of his shoes.
And I just bust a gut!! (well first I asked if he was okay.) But then I let it go. I couldn't stop laughing at the site of him. Oh how I wish I had my camera. Here is this 6'2" man in his nice running clothes, soaking wet with tree bark pieces on his shirt and seaweed on his shoes with a dismayed facial extression.
After about a good 5 minute laugh at the situation where we both laughed so hard we could barely get words out, we headed on our way. Steve was determined to finish his running route in his now 10 lb each pair of brand new shoes. So we continued on while I incorporated a good ab work out the rest of the way with burst of laughter of the sporadic visions that popped into my head of him falling in.
I wonder what people were thinking of us as a couple. A huge pregnant lady on a bike and a dirty, soaking wet man on a run.
We finally made it home and I did what any good mom would do. I made him strip down to his skibbies outside and immediately go take a shower in case he was fested with some type of swampy nasty disease.

Then I talked to my Dad and recapped our adventure.
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