Last Thursday Steve and I had another appointment for Baby D that included what I'm guessing is our last ultrasound. The ultrasound was schedule to check to see if Baby D still had fluid in her kidneys. I'm happy to report she does not! Yeah!

But in checking this I learned something new and quite intriguing. I learned that babies can have a full bladder in the tummy... who would have thought (probably everyone but me.) I never really thought of it before, but I was taught that day that babies actually drink/eat/umbilical chord it or whatever the fluids from their mother, digest it through the tummy, filter it through the kidneys, fill up the bladder and then you know, get rid of the waste.
Now I knew the baby took in the mother's same nutrition but I never really thought of what happened afterwards. My mind doesn't work that way. And I guess neither does Steve's.

We also were told Baby D is huge!!! Well... they didn't use those words. I did. They said she is measuring at 6.8 lbs already. Then I was told that Baby D will gain about a half a pound a week these last weeks. You know what that means. HUGE BABY!!! I had 5 weeks left at that time.
I'm a little scared.
Then the ultrasound tech said she could be off by a pound either way. This calmed me a little knowing she could be 5.8 lbs but then I'm thinking to myself... wait... what if she's 7.8 lbs!
Oh man... I instantly start to hurt.
I think the fear in my eyes shown through when I teased I might have a 10 lb baby. So the Doc calmed me down probably giving me false hope but hope at least that I could be expected to go early because of her size.

So now my hopes are up that I might pop at any point in time. But really I'll probably give birth 10 weeks late to a 15 pounder.
But hey, I might make the news!
Oh...and true to form, Baby D didn't cooperate to well with the photos and slid into a pocket in my stomach where photos were nearly impossible to take. But we managed a few half-way decent ones.
Can't wait to meet you huge baby.
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