Mason curiously looks at me up and down, put his hands on his hips, squinches his eyes,... "Carie..." the 'L' is a little hard to say... "how did the baby get in your tummy?"
"Ahhh well Mason God put her in there?"
"But how?"
Hmmm... how do I answer that?! So I started off staying, "Uncle Steve and I hugged really tight." Then decided to pass the ball off for an assist and said "You know Mason why don't you just go ask Mommy. She's more prepared for these questions."
Then Avery decided to ask me in her little lisp. "Carie... How do you dress her?"
Seriously? How do I dress her? I can't even think of a clever response to this. How do I explain my baby doesn't need to be dressed b/c she's all covered in my nasty goo. That it's 98.5 degrees and she probably just wants to be naked. Or the other billion reasons why you can't dress a baby in your tummy.
Luckily, Jena, my sister, the mother of these two curious children overheard and said "Avery... the baby doesn't need to be dressed b/c she's in her tummy."
"Oh" and off she goes to play with her dolls.
Really? A simple answer satisfies?
So many things I need to learn.
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