I just finished up a project for a client. It's actually a company that I used to work for, BioLawn. They have a super fun and whimsical brand that I helped them create. They are a natural/organic lawn company that advertises with catch phrases like "Barefoot is Cool" "I have a healthy diet" "I'm walking on sunshine" Basically any tag-line to promote that since they are natural they are safe and have no harsh chemicals.
Well they approached me about a new project that they had going on and wanted help on the creative end. They wanted to show its customers that they are going out of the way in the customer service end of the company. So they came up with the idea to create a paper bag.
Huh Paper Bag... don't get it.
Well the applicators would put all personal items left on the lawn such as toys, knick-knacks sprinklers etc in this bag and place on the customer's door step out of harms way (even though they are a natural lawn company) before they lay down any weed control, fertilizer, pesticide, insecticide... basically you get the point.
So here is where I enter in. They wanted to recreate the BioLawn logo with a new tag-line just for this bag to help advertise and promote this paper bags purpose. So I ran with the idea of their outstanding customer service and how they are taking it to the next level while keeping with the same fun whimsical joy of the branding.
Enter.... completed project.

Carly, this looks AWESOME!!! Wow!