I came home from work Thursday to find half of our basement with about an inch or two of standing, lovely, really good smelling, sewer water. Awesome.
So I waited for Steve to come home to hopefully fix the problem. What a man huh? But this time... we got no where. But we still wanted to clean up the standing water... 1 because it was nasty and 2 we didn't know when a plumber could get in.
Clean up process:
1. Steve put on the yellow rubber gloves
2. I sat and watched while Steve picked up fun pieces of well, Turds and Toilet paper.
3. I then realized that at this point in time... it's great to be a woman... I was even thinking I'd rather give birth then pick up this nasty stuff. I may not be thinking that in 9 days! (that's right 9 days left until the due date....single digits baby!)
4. Anyways, then Steve grabbed our small little shop vac and sucked up the water.
5. I carried the shop vac full of water up the stairs and outside to dump in the rock.
6. I made about a gazillion trips up the stairs to dump the water.
7. I became very winded.
8. I thought for sure this would put me into labor.
9. It didn't.
10. Finally the mess was cleaned up.
11. I laid on the ground trying to find my breath again.
12. Steve laughed and felt sorry for me.
13. I just laughed.
14. Then we both stunk it up for the next 24 hours before the plumber could arrive.
Luckily the plumber came late morning on Friday. He tried the Auger but no luck. He tried actually for a long time. Then he stuck his little camera down the drain and realized the pipe was offset a couple of inches causing the back up.
Major repair was needed.
We actually found out when our curious neighbors came over to check out what was going on that many of them had this problem. None have had to go through what we are enduring now but sounds like they are not far off. They've just been able to get away with bi-annual clean-outs. Over 5 years ago, the city had to do some major repair work thus fixing the issue but maybe causing an additional one for each homeowner with not fixing it quite correctly.
That's the word on the street. No blame here... stupid city.
This is what was all in on the repair. Pipe locating, utilities to come locate gas line, permit, excavating, pipe demolition (no idea what correct terms would be, but demolition sounds fun, blockage removal, inspections, and repair.
No biggy... cheap process (Sarcasm!)

I posted this pic on Facebook. Some friends thought that I was digging Steve's grave. They asked on what he did. I told them he left the toilet seat up. But what I really wanted to respond with was "He called me fat!" But I thought some people might actually think that Steve would do such a thing and then he might get a bad rap. I'm such a nice person.
Anyways... Sewer issue. Luckily they felt sorry for me so they moved this painful process along. I think the fact that I was pregnant, stinky, smelly, and unhappy helped. He got a crew in there that night to relieve the blockage so we could at least shower and use the toilet. Oh and he was at my house for nearly 3 hours working on the issue. I couldn't use running water at all that whole time. I'm pregnant... there is pressure on my bladder. That was a very rough point in history for me. I'm just saying.
Our problem isn't fixed but the pipe is relieved. Now we have a really nice lawn ornament in our yard until the pipe can get fixed and the inspection can take place. Hopefully today!
I love owning a home.
And never realized how much I love running water and a properly working sewer system. Much love to all you plumbers out in this world.
So THAT'S what you were doing Friday night. Bummer. Missed you......but not this problem. Been there, done that. That make you feel better? Prob-ly not. DEB