Thursday, April 26, 2012

Forget That!... And Relax

Yesterday turned out to be a grand day... even without the arrival of Baby D.  I started out the day sulking and being crabby.  Why?  Because I'm impatient and hate waiting!  Truly I hate it.  I actually tease myself (weird huh) quite often b/c God has put many people in my life who have tested me on this.

1. My younger sister... Constantly late and made me wait on her every morning before high school.  So many times I'd just want to leave without.   I didn't like her then but now I do.  Probably because I don't have to drive her everywhere :)

2. My best friend... God then gave me a best friend in college and you'd have to tell her we'd meet up an hour before the actually scheduled time and she'd still be late.  This has yet to change.

3. My husband... Although he's made vast improvements (because he's had no choice) he's always late because his mind wonders in different directions with his multiple tasks at once and he forgets to be on time.

I mean, I've mentioned this numerous times but I still feel great so I don't mind being pregnant.  I just simply can't wait any longer.  Really.  The waiting has been driving me bonkers.  So I decided to get over it and treat myself.  I took off work early, headed home, threw on some comfy summer clothes, grabbed my book, water and lawn-chair, and sat out for 4 hours reading and catching up on some snooze time.

I ignored all my to-do items that I felt needed to be done like I could probably mow right now and trim around our rock, maybe pick some weeds, dust, sweep, any general house or outdoor work.  But I said forget that... and relaxed.

I figured I wouldn't have that opportunity again for another 30 years now :)


  1. Perfect. Being my sister will probably help you be a more patient mom. Glad you took the time to relax. You're right.... your relaxing days are OVER! bahaha.... sucker. ;)

  2. Hahaha, I feel like I deserve a little credit in that area! I believe we got to MOA at the SAME TIME when we went maternity clothes shopping--so that's improvement, right? :)
