Thursday, May 31, 2012

Different Looks

Rylee and I love Stroller rides.


Several Reasons:

1. Fresh Air

2. Explore the neighborhood which I've lived in for almost three years yet have never really ventured past my normal walk.  I'm a very strong creature of habit.  Steve's motto is enjoy the journey.  Mine is I need a plan.  I tend to balance out his randomness.  For example.  See this post :)

3. I got to round this mom rump back up!  No offense on the mom butt term b/c there are some great moms with some great butts but I'm starting to mold into the stereotypical Mom butt look.  I'm not enjoying that.

3. And I get to stare for an hour long at Miss Rylee without being creepy. Can a Mom be creepy?  Probably not, but imagine if someone just stared at you for an hour.  Creepy right?  But I do find myself staring quite often.  She's so stickin' cute too with all her different looks. 

For example:

Her peaceful I'm enjoying the ride look. Thanks Mom you are so lovely.

Her I either just tooted out rose peddles look or she's secretly laughing at me at how I'm so winded and we've only walked down the driveway look.

Or her sailor eyes look which is quite scary and weird sometimes. I can literally only see the whites at moments.

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