Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Run and Hide

I love staying home with Rylee. But there is one downfall.
Door Knockers
I'm a sucker too. I can't just tell them no, or we're not interested, and I definitely can't slam the door in their face. So what do I do... stand there, pretend to listen, stand there sometimes a long time. Usually stand there half outside half inside hoping they'll get the hint that I'm not interested which they never do. But I have learned a lot on siding, lawn care, roofing, you name it.  
Then after they are done I try and give them some type of hope and tell them that my husband takes care of it and if you give me a business card I'll pass it on to him. Complete lie! Why? Steve and I make decisions together, I'd definitely be capable and second... I usually throw it right in the recycling.
The worst is when you get the door knockers about Faith. I give them major kudos for going out and sharing their faith. And since I usually share the same faith and since they aren't selling anything, it's a little hard to tell them we're not interested. I'm definitely interested and love God just not interested in standing in my door way listening to you at that moment.
So instead... I came up with a really great plan. 
Run and hide. 
The run and hide where you see them coming, drop everything, and hide behind the couch :) 
Even if you know they saw you in the window on their walk up.

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