Tuesday, August 7, 2012

F to the Cubed: Just The Typical

Each summer the whole family tries to get together at least once. It's tends to be a big to do and we play it up extra hard just for fun because why wouldn't you.  We even named it Freiborg Family Fun weekend but that took to long to say so we call it now F cubed spelled F3.  

On this weekend we try to do one new thing which I'll post about later but usually we just do the typical.

We wake up and enjoy some coffee.


Even the little ones do.  Well it's half coffee half water.  Quite nasty if you ask me, but no one did.

Then after we are all good and hyped up we make a luxurious brunch which consists of French Toast and bacon.  Steve was particularily amazed b/c Mom and Dad got bacon from the Hutterites and he just watched a documentary on the Hutterites. Simple things amaze him greatly. 

By the time we finish putting on the lbs, the kids are about going crazy ready for some action and are all up in their poor Mom's face so we take them to go jump in the lake.   But we usually have to count to three first.  Or as Avery says.  Fwree.  But sometimes she goes to five if she doesn't quite have the nerve to jump in on three.

We also do some throwing.
Some belly flops.

And some dives.

There is usually some naked babies and some cute little pouters as well.

We even play in the little kid pool.

By this time we are about starving so we bring out the piles and piles of snacks. We asked for extra crispy fries.  Ryan took it to the extreme.  
Thanks Ryan.

 Then the wonderful naps that allow parents to finally sit and chill.
 Note the shirt:  Rylee got into the spirit!

Then before you know it they are up and ready for more action.  By this time Steve has gone stir crazy any ways just sitting, chatting, enjoying some food, reading, sun-bathing and just relaxing that he's more than happy to entertain.  In fact sometimes I think he sneaks away and pinches them in their sleep to wake up and come out to play.

 Speaking of play... look at these sweet shoes!

I must get me some.

The night is filled with more food and more festivities but filled with lots of cuddles, hugs, 
and some sun burns, tired fights, maybe some scratching, body slamming, stealing of toys and some tired eyes and that's just for Ryan!  That would be the guy sitting in the kid pool who just happen to fry the life out of the french fries.  Who hit my mom in the nose with a puck last christmas and who ran the jet ski into the dock two summers ago.  This reminder of his flaws is all pay back for Mom and Dad calling him the most "normal" in the family.  They have no idea what they are talking about. You have fooled them greatly.

Back to F3.  It's just pretty much the highlight of my summer. 

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