Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5 months!


5 months already!

But she's great and I've love watching her grow.  She's starting the teething process, well I think anyways, so she's been extra cuddly which I love.  Except for the snot line that appears on my shirt.  Someone shared with me that you know your a true mom when you just take your sleeve and wipe the snot or spit-up off. This grosses out Steve so I tend to do it more than necessary.

She's also just starting to sit up. She ends up like the Leaning Tower of Pisa but she can hold it for a while. Well a while being less than 30 seconds. I'd like to think her brain is just so smart and large it weighs her down :)  

She's rolling and playing like crazy as well.  We'll set her down on one end of the blanket and before you know it she's bonking her head on the wood floor rolling off the far side of the blanket.  

She spits and sticks her tongue out.

Giggles, laughs, squeals, and talks like crazy

Sleeping 10-12 hours a night.  Hallelujah!

She reads books.

Eats mom's baking.

And is just absolutely perfect.

Happy 5 months Rylee!


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