Monday, October 1, 2012

The Silhouette

Do you ever notice when you close your eyes there are two shades of black?  One where the light comes in and the other where it is completely black?

I've had this multiple times but it happened again at worship yesterday at church.  We are in a wonderful worship song where the words speak directly to your soul. I close my eyes and feel the spirit just pour into my heart.  Then the cool experience happens.   In the two shades, a black silhouette of a man far in the distance appears in the middle of the lighter black.  This makes me never want to open my eyes.  In that instance, I feel as though God is actually in reach. But then realize, He is not only within reach but dwelling within me.  Giving me this peace beyond all understanding.

Then our worship director shares what he feels the words of the song mean to him, basically to surrender and lift your arms in praise and abandon your heart to God.

So I do just that.  I close my eyes, lift my hands in praise, and with the silhouette a cross appears.  And the tears just fall.  They don't fall because I'm upset or sad.  I have no idea why they fall.  I believe they fall b/c there is no other way I can express such emotion of "Ah" and praise to God.

Thank you God for giving me that vision. For giving me that time of worship. For giving me Salvation.


I realize this is a little deep for a blog that talks about poop and banana seats but it was an experience I just had to share.  The sad thing is I can't even explain how wonderful it was.  I do realize though this type of worship is far beyond people's comfort zones.  And quite frankly lifting your hands in praise is something I don't do.  I feel weird.  It basically has to be an out of this world force to lead me to do this.  The Big Bang Theory might say it's Spoc or William Shatner but I have a feeling it's something/someone better.

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