Friday, October 5, 2012

Beef Lover

Rylee has this Pink cow that sings the ABCs and she absolutely loves this thing.  She goes crazy for it.  If she's starting to get cranky I just show her the cow and she gets all happy and then tries to eat its head and feet.

I put her in her jumperoo today and handed her the cow.  I've never seen the child jump so high.  I tried to catch it on camera but it's a little hard to tease your child holding the cow out in front of her with one hand and video tape with the other hand while being far enough back to get the total range of jumping from head to foot.

I tried... and somewhat succeeded.

And yes I do realize that I probably think this is 10 times funnier that you do.  It's my child, I get it... we have the skewed view that our child is the greatest and funniest. But that I believe is a sign of an excellent and normal parent.  :)

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